Navy Yard Killings
In these crazy times
Of senseless killings
Nations seek a return
To sensible killings
There are many levels of crazy. There are perhaps even more levels of crazy when it comes to killing. I am not surprised at all that mass killings by “crazy” shooters rip the heart out of a nation and its citizenry. I am more surprised that killings as part of an industry, a solemnly premeditated projection of military power unparalleled in human history, are accepted as routine, “business as usual.” Even as these crazy shootings rip our hearts out, as a nation we seem stuck in a place where such crazy killings seem to be a new normal. The most recent mass killings happening at a Navy shipyard juxtapose these two seemingly separate realities with some irony. Is the convergence of accepting as a new normal, as unavoidable, crazy mass killings within our borders in “civilian” settings somehow related to our longstanding societal acceptance of war and other “extrajudicial” killings. I suspect that they may be. Nevertheless, I hope that our experiences as victims of violence helps us develop compassion and empathy for those routinized military situations where we are the perpetrators of violence. President Obama, in the memorial service for the twelve people murdered at the navy shipyard, quoted the ancient Greek poet, Aeschylus:
“Even in our sleep,
pain which cannot forget
falls drop by drop upon the heart until…
in our despair,
against our will,
comes wisdom through the awful grace of God.”
May we gain a wisdom through our awful losses, a wisdom that transcends violence. As the dead continue to speak to us, through our grief, let God’s awful grace remind us that every one of us is loved — by family, friends, neighbors, God — regardless of our status as victim and/or perpetrator. And may this unconditional love, the awful grace of God, reigning on the just and the unjust, transform us into a peaceful people, at home and abroad.
I dream of the day when the violence of war will be as unacceptable as slavery/human trafficking. Only when nations lay aside their weapons will the peace where one side fits all become a reality. God’s awful grace demands it.