Here is yet another free Anti-Trump poster: RUMP FENCE — Make America Grate Again. Donald Trump has chosen his president of vice, Michael Pence. This set up yet another possible wordplay for this free poster, graffiti wordplay. There is no escaping the nearly infinitely possible ways to parody Donald Trump — though he is quite a master of self-parody, giving himself a big hand in his public displays of self-love. Building a wall to keep illegal aliens out has formed his over-sized signature policy. The poster graphic — or slightly graphic poster — speaks for itself. The cartoonish character of Donald Trump is well-suited to leaving most of US practically speechless, left only with: BUTT, BUTT, BUTT, BUTT, BUTT…
Please feel free to download and print or share this free Anti-Trump poster: RUMP FENCE — Make America HATE Again. Check out more anti-Trump posters (and anti-Hillary Clinton posters).