Our hearts were broke
A cache sow, well, spent
In solvent
In life
Teaming tsunamis of solidarity
Of the largesse kind
Over us
Torn as under
A heavy wait
A compelling yield
As if
Some bank erupt
The affluence
Of won another
In tsunamis of serendipity
Having pre-pared us
Seeing in owed daze
As broke
As chambers and vessels
Suited fore rivers of love
Flowing inevitably
Threw us
This poem is about what seems to be a necessary heart-rendering process of our hearts breaking before they can fully pour love out into the world. I strongly suspect that this is the way our heart of hearts is built. Much like soil, our hearts are tilled til compassion gives root to patience and grace-filled kindness. This too fold process is upending to our less mature and superficially romantic fields of dreams. The hard edges of injustice cleave us as surely as the serendipitous realities of unmerited kindness and generosity. While the specific injustices and grace that we each experience is unique, our heart of hearts flourishes in solidarity with others. The companionship and mutual support that flows through those who recognize themselves as being in the same boat binds us in one accord and harmonizes our souls so we can walk together as won people. Only when our love pours out into the world, not bound and limited to vain vessels of our own, do our hearts function at full — nay overfull! — capacity.
With love flowing through us, we are never broke; we have become holy, awe together, and udderly teeming with plenty. In the process, our mortal hearts, like many earthen vessels, are thrown for a loop, only to be torn as under. And for awe that, our heart of hearts is fashioned for sow much more. Hearts united beat more than blood could ever dictate. May our hearts never brake, pouring into the world with awe of our untamed hopes.