They took out a social contract
On her
In what might as well be
Too her
Too be
As good
As dead
From their point of you
Her response sow questionable
If it’s awe the same
Too you
I’ll strike
You have
Status quid pro quo
Ad infinitum
With slick prose and dodgy idioms
Foreign to me and my kind
Only wanting
Too ax me
Where unseen ahead nod
And invisible
I reject
This poem’s title, Reject, can be read as both a noun and a verb. People, too often treated as things, often end up as rejects of a dehumanizing status quo. The humanizing response to being relegated as a reject of a dehumanizing status quo is to reject that dehumanizing status quo. People, and their vital humanity, are better characterized with verbs than as nouns. People rebelling against being a means to an undignified end, being treated as a cog in a machine or so much fodder, is an indispensable beginning to becoming more fully human. May your rebellion against that which is dehumanizing manifest many fine beginnings.
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