What too due
Assault weepin’s
With prey
Open season to ignore
Smack in the middle
Of the roam
And cons of all sorts
In outraged equality
And dubious cause
As attacks increase
Their roil highness
And unquestionable ump ire
Threatening their effluence
The root for all problems
Pinned on foreigners
Or anything queer
Their phony lyin’
Their particular specious of phallus pride
The cockiness of their guise
And their hollowed pretext
A moment of silence for them
Unending silence for the wrest
America’s future echoes in the empty silence of hollowed prayers. Political leaders and legislators heap insult upon injury by adding saying nothing to doing nothing. Homophobia, racism, and Islamophobia are well armed in the unregulated militia we call America. Each mass shooting, becoming more frequent and more severe, jacks up fear on all fronts. The hum drum of dozens and dozens of gun deaths every day carries on as a brutal norm. That suicidal depression and alienation are gravely weaponized in a gun-packed America bears little note except, perhaps, in funeral homes. As fear traumatizes and re-traumatizes US, perhaps the only thing truly safe is the Second Amendment — minus the “well regulated” detail, where the devil lies, and God is dammed to Hell.
Won nation under regulated militias. In the wiled west of so-called civilization, armaments may very well dissemble the cause and solution to all of our problems. Fear and hate is the weapons caché that jacks up profits for the gun industry and lethality for the wrest of US. Praying for the dead is fine, but let US not allow preying on the living continue. Or, more infamously put by Mother Jones: “Pray for the dead and fight like hell for the living.”
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