About Top Pun’s Blog
Top Pun's mission is to maximize prophets. Top Pun creates serious, funny, and seriously funny peace and justice designs which are available on your choice of products such as buttons, T-shirts, and bumper stickers. Top Pun blogs to highlight additional facets of his word artistry such as pun-filled poetry and funny political satire, free posters, as well as political actions of local and global importance -- and don't forget the noncommercial, public health radio show available online, Just for the Health of It . Top Pun's serious playfulness ever reminds us that justice is no yoke, and the pun is mightier than the sword!
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Recent Posts
- POEM: Pastoral Posture
- POEM: Thinking Outside, The Box
- POEM: Masses of Butterflies
- POEM: OK Corral
- POEM: Relax, Into Propaganda
- POEM: Eye Wannabe Rich
- POEM: A Sorted Tale
- POEM: Rubber Ball
- POEM: Post Lottery Win Syndrome
- POEM: Make Moses Grate Agin
- POEM: Lucky 13 – Owed to Being Played
- POEM: Vaccine-Preventable Deafs
- POEM: From Shakespeare to Churchill
- POEM: The Whys Entrance
- POEM: Recounting Presents
- POEM: That Most Slalom Prey
- POEM: Pre-Mature Ends
- POEM: The Biggest Flail Ever
- POEM: De-serving
- POEM: The Gulf of Wisdom
- POEM: What Can Save US?
- POEM: Sow Over it
- POEM: As Rorschach Attest
- POEM: In the Twinkle of an I
- POEM: Barn Dominion – Owed to Luke 12:16-21
- THANKS for perusing Top Pun's word artistry!
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New Design Categories
Soon after adding 225 political designs to the Top Pun store, I added subcategories to help people find the designs they most want. Most important, is the new category of Occupy Wall Street. Also, I added the political subcategory of Political Quotes which encompasses designs across the primary categories, since most of my designs have a political angle to them. With new designs, there are now enough political designs for subcategories of Anti-Death Penalty, Socialism, FOX NEWS Parodies, and Vegetarian-Vegan.
On the peace front, I have added subcategories of Peace Quotes and Anti-War Quotes.
On the spiritual-religious front I have added subcategories of Religious Quotes-Sayings and Spiritual Quotes-Sayings. While these two categories overlap quite a bit, I recognize that the distinction between religious and spiritual is important to many, including myself. I have also added subcategories of Catholic and 12-Step, but I still need to upload more designs into these categories.
To round out the new categories, I have added some subcategories by graphic element, such as Police, Signs, Street Signs, and Television, TV.
Please enjoy perusing my new designs and subcategories.