This poem suggests that tariffs may be wreckless, as a consumption tax, as they may help save the planet from US over consumption.
All Consuming Tax
Breaking news:
The levies are being billed
By the fodder of awe walls
The duty of all Americans
As axed for buy an election
To raze prices
And as so many no
Everything is big in taxes
Won policy to rule them all
Striking working people
And the rich simply spared
Yet, undercover of knight
Such in firmness
And dis-ease
Deeply stated
As socialists drug
Succors and loosers
How ever klan-destine-ly
Dropping balms
On a dying world
US suffering from consumption
TB or not TB
Such an existential question
On efface if it wrecked-ify
Our awe consuming culture
Surreptitiously saving
Our plan it