He was steeped in the slippery slope of violence
An idol escalator
Heedlessly powered by gravity and gravitas
A climb it denier
Of the worst breed
Not giving won ascent
A bout others
In spite of the accost
It takes
Dispensing that too summit madders
Impoverishing awe
With Sisyphean tacts
Our animal instincts present us with the “natural” reaction to hit someone else when they hit us. Fortunately, we are not limited to responding mirrorly as animals. Such reactionary responses, unchecked by higher human functioning, quite easily escalate into wildly disproportionate harms to parties involved and routinely inflict harm to nearby parties. Creative and humane responses to violence help limit the worst effects of violence before it is too escalate. This poem is a metaphor for the interplay of the reactionary nature of violence and the creative human spirit yearning to be free of domination.
Like Sisyphus, violence rocks this world so palpably feudal. Nobody likes to suffer hurt. Of coarse, meting hurt with hurt only brings a bout hurtful means and ends. The truism of hurt people hurt people is a starting place to understand such hurtful cycles and connect us to one another’s dislike of suffering hurt. Unfortunately, the only way out of vicious cycles of violence is to experience hurt without inflicting further hurt. The accost of experiencing violence without returning violence is how a nonviolence world is necessarily and legitimately built. Other wise, gravity and gravitas will perpetually, endlessly, forever, unceasingly, repeatedly, in perpetuum, till hell frees us over, lock us into violence as a weigh of life. The creative human spirit willing to put skin in the game is the antidote to the least creative, least human reaction of violence for violence. Nonviolence isn’t easy. Of coarse, violence isn’t easy either, except in that we may be able to put the accost on an other.
If nonviolence was easy, everybody would be doing it. In fact, most of us practice nonviolence much of the time. Nonviolence could be argued to be our natural state. However, when violence and nonviolence meet, violence temps a seemingly easier solution — the cause AND solution to all of our problems. Violence challenges the creativity of nonviolence with its well-warring familiarity. Grooving to a mesmerizing Sisyphean chant, violence offers a bizarre, homie comfort to tribe and clan, with a kin do attitude wrapped up in moral doody.
In both means and ends, violence is the antithesis of creativity. Choosing nonviolence may not be easy, but nonviolence does offer an infinite abundance of alternatives other than “they made me do it.” Yep, those proprietors of violence have it made, made for them, the creative human spirit lying fallow. The human spirit exists for more than an infinite chain of sow called necessity, made to yearn its way to freedom and higher consciousness.
The human spirit most fully manifests itself when it creatively draws from the wonderfully precarious reservoir of possibility. This udder cistern is void of Sisyphean guarantees, yet those daring to surf its prospects may just find the truly fare life a mist a world of suffering. May our spirits renounce domination over others through sheer force and patiently invite others into the high stakes game of fare play.
Please feel free to browse Top Pun’s other creative nonviolence and lovely peace designs.