POEM: Net Worth Beings?

Traveling light
Speed of awe
That can be seen
Bye passing knows to knows
Only for going
Do do
Though scene buy sum
As net
Worth beings

This poem is about being, caught in that net of go go go, do do do.  More specifically, this poem addresses the issue of weather net worth beings.  People Before Profits POLITICAL BUTTONJustice It's About Prophets - Just Us It's About Profits POLITICAL BUTTONIs the quest for the almighty dollar really making a living or doing the living?  Far too often, the dollar trumps people; our lives are bought and sold for sum thing other than life.  Is a glut of pathetic certainties worth any amount of glorious possibilities?  Is our life better characterized by following profits or prophets?  Does our life reflect deepening simplicity or accelerating sophistication?  Awe that is timeless bids us to travel light.  Cultivating undistracted and centered being allows us to be fully receptive to acting in accordance with the living presents before us and after us.  May we awe live lives worth beings.

Eat Beans, Not Beings - POLITICAL BUTTONWhen Things Aren't Adding Up in Your Life, Try Subtracting SPIRITUAL BUTTON

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