POEM: Unbroken

She snapped
Too a tension
As shot
Wrung out
And as her life left her
Won does not die
By bled alone
As neither does
One live
Buy bred
A loan
For giving
Awe that is

Fear does not prevent death; it prevents life --Nagub Mahfouz quote POLITICAL BUTTONI have awe ways been a fan of epic themes of life and death, heaven and hell unearth.  This poem is yet another meditation on the reality that most of us most of the time simply do what is most urgent, not what is most important.  What is urgent is often not really that important in the long haul, and what is really important often doesn’t present itself in the clothes of urgency.  This poem employs that apocryphal moment at our death where we are delivered in a flash our whole life.  The much denied inevitability of the end of our life on earth is rife with potential epiphanies adept at properly ordering our seemingly shorted lives.  The tragedy of life is not death but what we let die inside us while we live --Norman Cousins quote SPIRITUAL BUTTONWhen the grim reaper harvests us, will our death reflect a life well urned?  Will our life be better characterized as meticulously saved or gloriously well spent?  This poem plays with the daring metaphysical math than one good death may be infinitely more valuable than innumerable small deaths threw out life.  This poem confronts the moribund multiplication of lives either simply buying bread and just getting by or vainly seeking to multiply a life irreproducibly created.  Buy what calculation can we justly trade the breathtaking awesomeness of life for a little, less, death?  The real question is not whether life exists after death - The real question is whether you are alive before death --Osho quote SPIRITUAL BUTTONIn the end, facing death alone and a loan in life, whatever may truly matter is inseparably bound to whatever we’ve for giving awe that is unbroken.  May you live a wholly life.  Even sow, if you cannot find such a weigh, and it be hooves you, may death be dammed, just the same.

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