You believe
In miracles
Yes and know
Awe or nothing
Beyond your current
And resounding may be
This poem of hope and expansive imagination is intended to both stretch and comfort your heart and mind. There are wondrous things of which we know little. Not knowing doesn’t have to lead to fear or anxiety. Not knowing can spur curiosity and leave open a space of immeasurable size where hopes call home. Only the haughty portend that there are no marvels outside the reach of human finitude. Willingness to explore, hope, dream, and chart fabulous possibilities is the perfect complement to willfulness, a tenacious navigator of gutsy hope amidst fields of dreams. Life can be harsh and disappointing. Yet, inasmuch as we are the captains of our own fate, we are built for sailing, not the safe and limited usefulness of harbor. While it may be trite that life isn’t fair, there is little doubt that life is excellent! If your life isn’t a miracle, I strongly suspect that this isn’t the fault of God, real or unimagined.