Privilege and disenfranchisement
Are two sides of the same coin
Defining this flipping world
And the soul weigh out
Is to stop chasing coin
And exorcise our debt to won another
Just us fore awe
People are more important than things. Human persons are more important than corporate persons. You can’t serve God and money. These are relatively simple truths that can order our disordered lives, individually and collectively. Chasing the almighty buck degrades the awesome aspects of our humanity. Focusing on how we can profit from others, what we can get from others, is the ultimate “taker” attitude. For those who have a lot, are on the long end of the stick, the looming threat of disenfranchisement, and those disenfranchised seeking justice, assures that having is never enough. Even those with little, or on the short end of the stick, often internalize this sick attitude as wannabe privileged, perpetuating the dominant worldview of domination over others. As I see it, the soul weigh to get rid of this two sides of the same coin is to get rid of coin. Inasmuch as people are viewed as means to ends, we will have a whirled of mean, and unsatisfying ends. Recognizing, honoring, and glorying in each other’s irreducible humanity and awesome possibility is perhaps the only debt we have to each other. If you view this debt to one another as a privilege or a duty, you are correct. The awe at the heart of our humanity is what should command our respect and serve as our authority in all matters. Our greatest gift to one another is to serve awe. May you find awe that you are looking for, and may awe that you due serve others.