POEM: The Raze for Leadership

Is aiding and betting on genocide too reap a political win disqualifying for hire office, when the whole accost is pain by those being ethnically cleansed? What prophet is there in this?

The Raze for Leadership

They were axed
To take genocides
To make America the grater
To give their undivided tension
To a unity
A blissful savor
On what would
Be her every word
To gain
The whirled
She’s got nothing
To lose
Accept her sole
Atop those
Sticking their necks out
Unvisited in prison
And fore what?
Emperor for a day
Adore to the naked clothes
Feeding the ravenous
On the lamb, like mint jelly
As if
Goad shepherd
Baaaaad sheep
In searching for the lost
Wile the 99 are pandered
Axing the fateful
To take won for the team
To the victors spoiled
Quiet a victory
To be had
Vanquishing the other
Flocked won way
Or the other
Just maybe
It’s not
All a bout
Raised for slaughter

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