Sen. Robert WALDO Portman, Where Are You?!

Senator Robert WALDO PortmanSen. Robert WALDO Portman, where are you?!
All about
Red and white stripes
And no blue to be seen
In what
Might better
Be a black and white world
Yet no wear
To be found
In this tattered democracy
And flagging civility
On recessSenator Robert WALDO Portman in Prison Stripes
Out of town
Out to lunch
With a staff infection
Knot culpable of answering
To the cell
With the unapproved ID
And phase to phase metings
Shirking responsibly
Covering his hide
Afraid to show his face
With so much lie-ability


This poem was inspired by our weekly Trump Tuesdays protest outside of Sen. Rob Portman’s Toledo office.  While on recess, he or his staff were nowhere to be found. They did not answer the phone, and when we found out that his staff were in the office, they claimed to be out to lunch — perhaps a truer statement has never been issued from that office!  We will keep showing up until democracy breaks out in Toledo and Ohio and the United States of America.


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