God is
Way too big
For any won religion
While still
A singular grain of sand
Fore awe to see
This poem as a humble recognition that God is bigger than any won religion. While responsibility is an inescapable facet of any religion, the transcendent response-ability of every grace, every present as gift, bids us to reflect such a generous and loving weigh of life. God is a way, way bigger than any individual or religion might tempt to hold hostage. The business of religion flails when it takes, sides. Such iffy religion divides. The image of God reflected in each of us is not meant to be a brand, burned into flesh, the mark of the but, but, but, but, but… Religion is about pointing to the the ever more of life, and not scoring points. Religion is a thorny means that should knot be mean. The unkind of up your grasp attitude of religion and anti-religion serves up a paltry view of courage and costly grays. Meditating upon, and living in harmony with, the pique experiences of God’s unbound nature should be freeing, not circumscribing.
And, still, not showing up with judgment, the eternally elusive God may be realized in a singular grain of sand. The mystery of life and that wonder full experience carries on, fore bettor or worse, fore awe to see. May your experience of the mysteries of life be more than you could ever bargain for…