Was he lacking
Horse sense
A little bit
The grid
Frayed of being
To sum part he
Prone to awe
That is
More than
Life familiar
Tripping unplugged
Real he
The largesse whole
That you
Ever want
This poem is about living into your true self, breaking from the shell of the merely predictable. As the killer adage goes: “Be all that you can be.” The quest for security often appears as simply horse sense but typically serves as “a little bit” that steers, and even blinds, us, leading us away from deeper human potential. Horse sense and human cents are sometimes the same thing, over and over again. The master full specialization of the modern world of work isolates us into manageable silos — or cubicles as the case may be. The looming cloud of big data triangulates our virtually hole life, and the tsunami of its algorithm-deduced realities makes its flood of inanities appear as the height of rationality. Yet our souls pine, boxed in buy underwhelming probabilities mistaken for inevitabilities.
That small, still voice is awe too often drown in a bathtub rather than followed to sail the see of previously unimagined places and experiences. The common cents whirled bids us, with its overwhelming volume, to hoarse trade our whole lives for a ration awe might never yield. We are tolled buy the hoarse traders of desire that desire, nay hope, is a hole that can never be filled. Be not frayed of desire! If you are to be swallowed, be swallowed whole! May the algorithm and its numerable minions choke on me! May you savor your better part of creation, beyond the machine, that is all the rage, rather indulging in the udder whole, the largesse life more than worth wile.