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Top Pun's mission is to maximize prophets. Top Pun creates serious, funny, and seriously funny peace and justice designs which are available on your choice of products such as buttons, T-shirts, and bumper stickers. Top Pun blogs to highlight additional facets of his word artistry such as pun-filled poetry and funny political satire, free posters, as well as political actions of local and global importance -- and don't forget the noncommercial, public health radio show available online, Just for the Health of It . Top Pun's serious playfulness ever reminds us that justice is no yoke, and the pun is mightier than the sword!
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Yin Yang
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View more Peace Symbol Buttons.
You just have to love the yin yang symbol! The concept of yin and yang is one of the central concepts in Eastern philosophy, a symbol of the Tao. The idea of complementariness and interdependence of opposites is essential to understanding life and achieving balance. Western civilization tends to look toward absolutes and focuses on one or the other side of opposites, that which is considered good. This is perhaps the foundation of Western imperialism, which presumes an absolute good and then enforces it on the rest of the world. Imperialism also feeds off demonizing the opposite. What I find fascinating about complementariness and the interdependence of opposites that seems to naturally give rise to a transcendence of apparent opposites. Western philosophy includes the idea of some kind of synthesis arising from dialectical conditions, though I think that Westerners tend to reduce this simply to some third absolute rather than what I think is more appropriate mystical other. I am eternally fascinated with the proposition of loving one’s enemies, and I find is perhaps the most challenging practical manifestation of the Tao. My favorite simple story to illustrate this is about a farmer and his skepticism about being able to determine whether something is good or bad. The farmer has a valuable horse which runs away, to which his neighbor comments, “that is bad.” The farmer declares that he is not sure whether it’s good or bad. The horse returned to the farm with a herd of wild horses. The farmer’s neighbor comments, “this is good.” The farmer declares that he is not sure whether it’s good or bad. The farmer’s son, while trying to train one of the wild horses, is thrown from the horse and breaks his leg. The farmer’s neighbor comments, “this is bad.” The farmer declares that is not sure whether it’s good or bad. The farmer’s nation declares war against the neighboring nation and as the gathering army passes through his province, they conscript many young men along the way; the farmer’s son is not conscripted since his leg is broken. The farmer’s neighbor comments, “this is good.” The farmer declares that he is not sure whether it’s good or bad. Of course, this sequence of events can transpire forever. I don’t think that such a story an argument against whether good or bad exist, rather it reinforces a deeper wisdom that require some skepticism about affixing unmovable labels of good or bad on any given situation. What strikes me as the deeper truth is that bad situations can be redeemed and bring about good, and that there is a shadow to good situations that can degrade into bad. Appreciating and aligning oneself with this flow seems to be the purpose of the Tao. Of course the first line of the Tao Te Ching, is that the way that can be described is not the way. Then, ironically, the Tao Te Ching does it’s best to try to describe the way. Such is the paradox inherent in reality. This is probably a good reason why a more abstract symbol is appropriate for reflecting the Tao than words. Sometimes silence is the best. Or, like I like to say, sometimes buttoning up says it best!