POEM: Ugly Ducking

More abductions every day in a ledged land of the free.

Ugly Ducking

If it looks like abduct
If it paddles like abduct
If it’s a quack like abduct
Then it is in deed abduct
Plane clothes agents
Over unidentified flying
All in a daze work
And in the end
What does this
A glass of free speech
Weather half fool
Half empty
You are toast
Of a nation
More than a kid nap
Snoozing awe over
A shadowy regime
Until what due you know
Hi Jack
Load and be hold
A boat load
A plane load
A truck load
Of shanghai visas
Mirrorly for looking
Like a land of the free

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POEM: Fascism Rapped in a Bow

Resist now. Fight for awe of our rights.

Fascism Rapped in a Bow

Fascism is rapping at adore
Power surrendered to the awe powerful
Rich richered
Poor poured
Like sow much effluent
Right sized means
Pauper austerity
As a share crapper
With far-flung shoulding
A grave matter of will
Presently bow
Yak knowledge
What is the best weigh
To void a load of crop
Giving up
Hour cede
For but a few seasons
As for shadow record yields
Stomaching our own
Fecund surrender
Screwing generations to come
With ever-lusting public preyer
What will it
To cough up this heir ball
A monstrous masquerade
Fore humanity
Yet re-cast by billions
With stand
Our righteous plays
As human kind
More than kin imagine
Resisting on a million affronts
Dancing circles around
Their corrupt takings
Effacing them a cotillion times
And when some won
Comes to our adore
There is soully won admission prize
To our sacred dance floor
A level playing feeled fore awe
That won condition
Presently bow
To our shared fete

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POEM: Butterfly Affect

This poem is metaphor for the process where our beautifully eccentric and unique lives are laundered and collated into impersonal data for greater algorithmic control.

Butterfly Affect

“Plagiarism is the highest form of flattery. Stealing from one is plagiarism; stealing from many is research.”

Plagiarism is
The highest forum of flattery
Like a butterfly
Fluttering it swing
With unyearned affects
Herd round the world
Pulled off a thousand times
And pocketed by many
Is sum thing
That slight
Deference between
Etymology and entomology

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POEM: Seize Fire Wow

Palestinian journalist Hossam Shabat has been assassinated by Israel after being openly put on a hit list last October. Hossam is the latest in over 200 Palestinian journalists killed by Israel since the beginning of the genocide in Gaza. In his last letter, prepared in the expectation that he would be assassinated, he makes his final ask: “I ask you now: do not stop speaking about Gaza. Do not let the world look away. Keep fighting, keep telling our stories – until Palestine is free.”

Will Western media cover even the mass serial targeting of journalists? Shame on US.

Here is yet another poem on the U.S.-Israeli genocide in Gaza.

Seize Fire Wow

What kind of accrual
To take hole of fire
Seize the whole cost
Without being
In sin raided
Helled in won’s hand
As if
Never agin
Kiln children
Flame throwing
As if some pillar of God
More like dare devil
As forced fire in a desert
As sow sin sear
Their brand of score
As many daze
108 Palestinians, 0 Israel
Piggish ambitions
Bombs sway
And diplomatic cover fire
A three wring circa US
Their lies
A diction
As the crack’ll
Get you offed
Their barb a cue of flesh
A wiled fire in runes
A future made up
Of dead would
And the inter-ogation
Of God remains

NOTE: An obscure meaning is in-bedded with the Israel-Palestine score: 108 = won zero ate, where victory lies on Palestinians eating nothing.

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POEM: Due Something

If you are bewildered, you may be just, catching on. Still, weather the tide coming in or going out, there are things too due.

Due Something

Here I sit
Wading for the tide to change
As ponder US
From see to see
The gravity of being mooned
And awe the wile
Like a fish out of water
Oar humanity
Without heir
It’s a life bout

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POEM: Baaad Blood

For the sheeple, and the wrest of US, wee the people.

Baaad Blood

It was the largesse gambol
Ever made
Assure abet
Living for wagers
They threw in
For allot of baaad blood
As part of a wiled and woolly herd
In this ill loom a nation
Crap shooters rolled
As snake-ize
The grift that keeps
On giving nothing
On the take
To the last drop
Of baaad blood
Far beyond sheer resentment
Be wear
Of shepherds in sheep’s clothing
Threw in through fleeced
As miss herd
And over raided
A dark horse
Turning out
Mirrorly dark
And soully a beast
Of un-no’in descent
In dispute Abel blood lyin’

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This is a simple poem about prayer in the morning and the afternoon/evening, that is, AM and PM.


Part of who
Sharing private messages with God
In the morning
And the afternoon and evening

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POEM: I Just

Life to me seems as a precarious balance between laughing and crying.

I Just

Anytime someone asks me
A question
Or temps to raze
A serious madder
I just
Anytime I peer
Out into the whirled
Or within those without
I just

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Donald Trump & Elon Musk – Will Bankrupt Americans to Enrich Billionaires

Enough said.

Donald Trump Elon Musk - Will Bankrupt Americans to Enrich Billionaires

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POEM: Awe the Answers Hour in Nature

Nature provides lots of answers when we are stuck in our heads and big boxes, we call home.

Awe the Answers Hour in Nature

I shook my ahead
Soully pondering
That space between mine years
I have
Never won
An argument with a sunset
Let a loan a sunrise
My braying
A dangerous neighborhood
My undisputed quest in
The many and the feud
As melee to wrest
Taking me out
Of myself
Perhaps first
As a gentle beat
Of my heart
That inspiration of breath
Or licked by a sublime taste
Then by feeled and pleasing pastor
And bettered by a forest unforced
Bested by a range of mountains
Blown away by the gentlest wins
Swept a weigh by the never-ending sees
Of my pour soul
Outshone by the sun
And heavens above
Washed up
On a beach
Landing to dry, dry, and dry again
As figuring
Another critter in the woulds
And wood not
My character merges
With awe the answers
Hour in nature
Quiet the find
If I don’t mine
Saying my self

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POEM: Landing On, Peace for Palestine

Thank you, Ziad, for sharing your father’s story with me. I am inspired by his deep connection to the land and people of Palestine. Drinking a cup of olive oil each morning and valuing the olive trees as more than his own property is a testament to us awe. Here is the poem I wrote in his honor:

Landing On, Peace for Palestine

More than a father just
The life of the olive branch
Runs through his veins
Transfusing every mourning
Giving berth to new dawnings
As the land and I are won
As worthy sentries honor land
Rooting for life
Offering both rest and flight
Fore awe who nest
As sure as God’s heir
Brings breath to stone
And thou dust inspire
All that is well courses through us
Teaching soully
As the sores of life can
As millions of sons
Shine from the heavens
Even more sow on the darkest night
And unblinded by any high noon
We land on

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POEM: All Who Have Years Here

I see sacrifice as giving up something of value for something of greater value. Sacrifice involves both loss and gain. This loss is simply the value I put upon any value I claim. May our sacrifices for our values secure a better world for awe.

All Who Have Years Here

All who have years here
There are certain times
To enjoy the many treats of life
There are uncertain times
To suffer the many entreats of death
Awe those who have maturity
To delay gratification
For better days
Awe those with fearless love
To endure requisite losses
To secure true peace
May mother patience
And father courage
Carry us
A cross
The threshold
Of awe that is abundant
Calling us forward
In equal measure
Long the weigh of tough daze
Sow even
In the roughest times
Getting our fare share
The benefit of every won
All who have years here

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POEM: A Lowly Sign of the Times

Street protests matter, as the winds of change, even if they don’t bring immediate wins or alone bring utopia.

A Lowly Sign of the Times

Resist FascismRumor has it
On social media
A bout my street protest
In my vains
A perfect example
Of people talking
A bout what they do not no
As if
Razing a stink
It is
Ruling their virtual whirled
Dis regarding
Apart of the solution
Affront of their efface
3-D’s better than an F
With emoji fist bumps
I’m out
Pumping irony
A lowly sign of the times

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POEM: Due You Mined?

Due You Mined?

God has taken me
Wear no won
Has gone
Be for
Agin and agin
I can’t help but be
Re: mined
Awe for one
And won for all

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POEMS: Dealing with Knews and News

When the news gets me down and the whirled peers bewildered, I try to simplify, get back to basics, go with what I know to be most true. For won, wee the people need to fight back against the rich and powerful. Kindness is awe ways better than cruelty. Our love for one another is the decisive force on earth.

May this poem help you focus on what is most true, and hone your response to bad news.

Dealing with Knews and News

There’s knews
And then there’s news
What has
All ready
And what has not
Yet learned
Dealing with the cards dealt
And how unfold
Weather a proving
Or knot
How to set a bout
A fit start
With ante up
Or helled down
Decked buy the chaos
As if
There is know ruse
As ponder us
The riot weigh
Or free for awe
Whatever the subjects
Throne by the muddle
Answers due come
Rejoin together
As one
Thing is decisive
Wee will prevail
As stand side bye side
Firm in good knews
In spite of the news

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POEM: Under Dogs

I love rooting for the underdogs.

Under Dogs

So over seers
Whom do you root for
Beholden such peeps
Abiding with
Dumps falling down
And revolting reign
What too doo
And urine it
Don’t count out
Number one
Number two
And so fourth
As sum solid air itty bitty
Of human companionship
Sow much more
Than screwed as dogs
Can you under stand
The difference
Of over taking
And coming from behind
What’s the catch?
O chasers of just us
And naught them agin

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POEM: Behave as a Child

Sometimes siblings don’t get along well. I suppose sometimes that it’s a matter of loving our siblings rather than just liking them. Parently, it’s the same with God.

Behave as a Child

I am
A beloved child of God
As awe you
Sow much amor than a like
Can you dig it?
Unearth as is in heaven
A life long
Mission statement
As well
As a vocation for awe
We are
Gems to uncover
Reflecting light
Enlightening the weigh
As children won and awe
And just
Behaving where for
In large
Our prospects

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POEM: Unfathomable

This poem is a reflection on the deference between standing in awe of the Creator as posed to the created.


Know One
Understands me
And then sum
That image of God
As some kind
Of fact simile
Or some carbon copy based life form
Conceivably some clever analog virtually living
More likeness than loveliness
Presume ably as some evol twin
That thorny altar ego
As soared to the avatared and feathered
Posedly as some doppelganger banger
And in the end
A dead wringer
Drawing sketchy conclusions
In knead of
A deeper reflection
On the created
And the Creator
An impression
To be plumbed
And holy apprehended

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POEM: Breathtaking

The breath of life . . . and death . . .


Awe through life
Heed taken
Millions of breaths
Beyond thoughtful
In perfect order
Awe ways
Knowing what
Too due
On what
Did last
That final breath
Breathing in
That place before we were borne
Of singular inspiration
That mystical sighin’ of God
Into us

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POEM: Know Spyin’ — Owed to Spineless Democrats

We return now to the regular shutdown of our government. This poem is in anticipation of today’s expected (sic) collapse of Democrats in Congress to offer any courageous opposition to Republicans’ hostage-taking in government shutdown showdowns.

Know Spyin’

I spy a party that has gone undercover
Much too comfortable with endemic shadiness
Op position
Out of sight
Out of mind
Silented by the right
And left
Know spyin’
At every stair down
Casting a bout
Base meant

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