POEM: I a Door

Here is a simple poem reflecting on my deinstitutionalization from church about a dozen years a go.

I a Door

I don’t go to church anymore
Church comes to me
Of course, I do find myself
In church on rare occasions
It is just
That I fine
More and more occasions
Are simply rare
And I a door

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POEM: Arose

This morning as I left the house, on a grungy fall day, I almost forgot my usual survey of my beautiful front yard, albeit with denuded trees and a carpet of wet leaves. As I walked away, I remembered, turned left, and over my shoulder I saw a single white rose blooming. The rose blooms this year were as scant as I can recall. Still, this bloom arose, after being touched, by the first snow. In recent years, I have come to believe that in God’s want ads there are innumerable job openings for humans to witness nature, often unwitnessed by human eyes. These job openings are largely unfilled, and these openings re-present countless opportunities for an opening of human hearts. Prophets are arising. May we see the signs and respond with open hearts.


The land had been snowed
Deep in
The fall
There a peer
A single white rose
By any other name

NOTE: for another layer of meaning, The White Rose was a German resistance movement in Nazi Germany.

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POEM: Fallen Reign

The just persist.

Fallen Reign

The reign fell
On the just
And the knot sow just
And might be
What is it
A boat
As the tide razes all
Weather you Noah or not
That which bids
An olive branch
Like goaled
At the end
Of a rainbow
Never agin

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POEM: The Future, The Passed

Here is a poem about the future, with two competing views; one anchored in both antiquity and eternity, multigenerational — the long view; versus another, characterized by the 30-second ad,  24-hour news cycle, and quarterly earnings reports — the short view. Hope abides and sneaks up on us with creative outbursts, even in the face of short-sighted, self-destructive weighs.

The Future, The Passed

He abode
So far
Into the future
To fix your eye
On him
Would peer
Only as a might
A mote uncrossed
Not worth won’s tension
And to boot
Far in arrears
He wrested
Rooted in times so ancient
What ever
Turn a bout
Would halve a mind to mete
Olden daze
Cleaving the novel
Awe weighs losing out
To a 30-second add
That curser-y lessen
Of the quick and the dead
That witch will
In efface of that unquenchable first

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POEM: Your Fired

Here is a poem in honor of COP 29, the United Nations Climate Change Conference happening now. The usual suspects, including a fossil-fuel friendly chair and a slew of fossil fuel lobbyists, will fiddle while Rome and all distant provinces burn.

Your Fired

The plan
It on fire
We are fuels
Won and all
Boosters of crude
Polluting heir
And soil
Our earth
Going nuclear
Such a waste
In hour 10,000 year rain
Bought a bout
Buy a hole fracking planet
Mine, mine, mine
Everything except the carbon sync
Extracting that on the money rendition
Of Mother Earth
And awe the wile
Wee are tolled
We have nothing to sphere
But sphere itself
Sow ledges
The master raze
Gloriously economical
Plenty of Jobs
On a planet dying
To give us life
What are we
Re: generation

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POEM: I’ll Have a Side of History

In these somewhat psychotic days, some may be tempted to believe that we can act outside of history, or ignore it. Still, I suspect that reality will have its way with us. This may lead to the inertia of history acting akin to the quote: “You can always count on Americans to do the right thing, but only after exhausting every other possibility.” [attributed in some form to Winston Churchill] I am more hopeful. I see an irreducible human spirit that rises in the face of injustice. The greater the injustice, the greater the fuel for this spark to start a fire in our collective hearts. Then, there is know greater force in the world.

I’ll Have a Side of History

History is often
Like the last kid picked
Fore a team
Its secreted virtue rascality
As serendipitous as fate
Its irreproachable timing eternal
The best on its side
Fulfilling the worthy work of sentries
Fiery generations unmatched
Awe weighs on the right side

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POEM: Bred of Life

A short poem to remind us that awe is not lost.

Bred of Life

Eternity calls
In every moment most kneaded
Bred for ever and ever
Flower and sweetness
Salty tears
Water yielding to life
In tending
The yeast of these
Time gives rise to awe

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POEM: Scorpions in a Bottle

One small hope in the unfolding Trump regime is that the off-the-charts power-mongering and corruption will result in minions behaving like scorpions in a bottle, turning on one another, perhaps degrading their degrading schemes.

Scorpions in a Bottle

The ultimate con quest
Won wring
Too rule them all
They have
Dissembled together
Dough minions
Of every manor
Their savvy genius rounded up
Their whored of power
As giving
As a hill of beings
As the profits speak
What lack he
O death wear
Is thy sting
A morality
On barrels of snake oil
A mortality
On poison
Its soul weapon
A battle fool of fateful pricks
And all that madders
What race engender
That will
Get me a cross
That finish lyin’

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POEM: Icarus Flies — The Gathering

The myth of Icarus is one of hubris. Icarus fashions wings of feathers and wax and flies toward the sun. Untoward to him, the sun melts his wings and he plunges back to earth  –for a new sort of flies…

Icarus Flies — The Gathering

As Icarus flies
We wax on
Wee are awe that
Such reverence
Fore all of our droppings

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POEM: Healing Fire

Love is bigger than hate.

Healing Fire

I am naught
Created by my enemies
The most fateful of lessens
I am awe
In the presents
Of my One True Friend
My soul in large
A journey to love true
That healing fire
Never forged by hate

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POEM: Net Zeroed

A little Monty Python for a Monday mourning…

Net Zeroed

“We come from nothing, we are going back to nothing — In the end what have we lost? Nothing!” ― Monty Python

I was down
As a madder of fact
I was caught up
We have nothing
Too fear
Accept fear itself
We a peer
From nothing
Wee return
Too nothing
Weave bin
Net zeroed
And you no what
That’s really something

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POEM: Showing Up

We are each a bit of magic forming the future, a collective world that much better.

Showing Up

I am
A walking and talking
Peace of meet
Know magic
To see
Awe those who have years
Show enough
What’s up

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POEM: Taking, Their Q

Election day — so it begins. One last, hopefully last, poem about Trump, his lies and conspiracy rants, and his self-fulfilling profits.

Taking, Their Q

They took their Q
From a toxic waste dump
Of conspiracy theories
Truth bastardized and orphaned
Beyond the pail of the retched
Awe the wile
Their Q cards
From invalid facts
Helled up
Buy the flimsiest of crutches
As if
Some motherless chides
Or if
In power some day
Pigs flying
With all their knew shit

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POEM: King of the Hill

I wanted to post this before the election was complete — however long that may be. The reference to Biden reveals how long ago I wrote this poem. Still, I am cursed with timely and timeless themes, so…this could apply to any presidential race in my lifetime…

King of the Hill

The battle for capital hill
Is off
To the razes
Overrun buy
Corporate prophets
Affront lyin’
In the art of the compromised
And war its extension
Like bullets to ahead
Weave rationales for the frayed
And spectacular overlooks
Of democracy a ledge
Leaving US
Holding won’s breath
Barren such inspiration for all
Helled as necessary
Biden our time
Donning such a peril
As emperors knew clothes
The deal clothed
Putting us in a terrible blind
The mustiest of musts
Not passing
The smell attest
As who will lose
The least
As groan from the middle out
And the top
Down with being behind
The curtains
For the wrest of US
Only won thing posed
In perpetual cries is
By hour puppeteers
Who gets
To be king
Wile won thing is a sure abet
Not giving
A hill of beings

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POEM: Go Figure — Owed to Haunting Season

Here is a Halloween poem. This poem is an eerie, haunting meditation on imminent death, specifically, at the hands of a deathly force. For some time, I have had this image of someone taking my life and my last words being something to the effect of: “As you release my spirit, may I haunt you in the most beautiful of ways.”

Perhaps not surprisingly, this poem can be read from two different perspective; first, where the figure or figuring is me (the reader or author) dealing with a mortally wounded broken heart in an unjust world; or, second, as the prey of another. May you be beautifully haunted.

Go Figure: Owed to Haunting Season

The figure
Stuck me
With a shiv
Like a missing rib
Returning homme
To an awe ready
Open heart
Oozing and aha-ing
Trickling and treating
Imminent death
Eminent till
Nothing in vein
I commend my spirit
To this haunting figure
A reflection
Of that most beautiful weigh

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POEM: Wiled Fires

Wild fire smoke plumes are still messing up our air quality. Unfortunately, with asthma, I pay a lot of attention to such things. Check out the air quality yourself at: https://www.airnow.gov/?city=Toledo&state=OH&country=USA (set for Toledo).

Of course, I have a poem ready for unjust such a situation:

Wiled Fires

Pillars of fire
Smite come our way
In some backwards whirled view
In heaven as on earth
In some sick forum
Of sky righting
Crying for hell up
Wheeze in the same bout
Where there’s smoke

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POEM: Progress

If continuing consumerism is our notion of progress, then carrion and on…


Progress is
An allusion
To something ails
Bought ensouled
Re: store
As you whir

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POEM: Fratricide

In case you didn’t no, fratricide is the killing of one’s brother, or sister, or any member of  won’s own, such as children of God. O Israel, do not bring a bout a hollowed future echoing with grief.


We are culpable
Of striking you anywhere
Reveling in hour
Blank it
A tact
What can won say
To alleged hommes
And frat reside
Unfortunately Abel
Sow prone to lying
And grave doings
Bared in their desecrate
Deep-sixing humanity
In their deathly loot
And crypt keeping
On anon

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POEM: Relieved of the Magic of Cynicism

Most people are skeptical of something coming out of nowhere — no surprise there. However, many people overlook the commonly cynical view that much of what we do disappears into nothing, makes no difference. Perhaps dispelling this cynical magic would lead us to value what we do a bit more…

Relieved of the Magic of Cynicism

He said determinedly
What you due
Doesn’t matter
No difference to be made
Whatever is the point
The tip of the spear
Of cynicism
As some negating mystical acts
Chopping us off of consequences
Of any kind
And shit coming out of nowhere
As from some magical asshole
I opted to reply
Thanks for noticing
This is my superpower
Stepping outside
The chain of causality
Feel free
Creating anew
Give it
A whirl
Of good
You might just
Find it
Super natural
Though at thirst
You may still
Hunger for your chains
Relieved of all you do do

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POEM: Owner Us

Lots of great stuff in the lost and found, though sometimes we don’t even check it out…

Owner Us

One humanity
Return to

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