This morning as I left the house, on a grungy fall day, I almost forgot my usual survey of my beautiful front yard, albeit with denuded trees and a carpet of wet leaves. As I walked away, I remembered, turned left, and over my shoulder I saw a single white rose blooming. The rose blooms this year were as scant as I can recall. Still, this bloom arose, after being touched, by the first snow. In recent years, I have come to believe that in God’s want ads there are innumerable job openings for humans to witness nature, often unwitnessed by human eyes. These job openings are largely unfilled, and these openings re-present countless opportunities for an opening of human hearts. Prophets are arising. May we see the signs and respond with open hearts.
The land had been snowed
Deep in
The fall
There a peer
A single white rose
By any other name
NOTE: for another layer of meaning, The White Rose was a German resistance movement in Nazi Germany.