POEM: Relieved of the Magic of Cynicism

Most people are skeptical of something coming out of nowhere — no surprise there. However, many people overlook the commonly cynical view that much of what we do disappears into nothing, makes no difference. Perhaps dispelling this cynical magic would lead us to value what we do a bit more…

Relieved of the Magic of Cynicism

He said determinedly
What you due
Doesn’t matter
No difference to be made
Whatever is the point
The tip of the spear
Of cynicism
As some negating mystical acts
Chopping us off of consequences
Of any kind
And shit coming out of nowhere
As from some magical asshole
I opted to reply
Thanks for noticing
This is my superpower
Stepping outside
The chain of causality
Feel free
Creating anew
Give it
A whirl
Of good
You might just
Find it
Super natural
Though at thirst
You may still
Hunger for your chains
Relieved of all you do do

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