POEM: That’s Rich

Most rich people consider themselves just, comfortable. My favorite dialogue from the movie, Crazy Rich Asians:

Rachel Chu: “So your family is, like, rich?”
Nick Young: “We’re comfortable.”
Rachel Chu: “That is exactly what a super-rich person would say.”

That’s Rich

It is just
The rich proffer
Effacing oblivion
I am just
The rich prey
What does it
Profit amen
To game the whirled
And loose your sole
Travailing the globe
Till kingdom come

The only specific behavior of the rich that this poem alludes to is travelling around the globe, presumably made possible by jet-setting. I suspect that flying on a plane countless times is a good proxy for being rich. Flying by plane is increasing worldwide; but, most of this is a small portion of people who fly many, many times. Estimates are that 80-90% of people in the world have never flown in a plane. If you cannot guess how many times you have flown, say within ten times, with the confidence that you would bet someone else’s life on, then you are rich. If you would bet someone else’s life on it, then you are rich as well, oil well.

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