This poem is about the difficult prospecting in life for goaled. There are many treasures to be discovered and re-discovered, even as life occasionally collapses upon us. Of course, each time we get through to the other side, however grizzled, we may just realize that the wrest is awe, as miraculously mine.
Grizzled Prospector
To live
A lured journey
As win some peeks
And mystifying bluffs
Of coursing through
Rocky rapids
And tamed brook
That uninterrupted colander
As if
Combing for a nest egg
In veritable nit picking
And in undating vagary
To lay hand on
A soul hoard
Only too mete
Impassable passes
Impressing one two
Decamping deeper
In too
Mountains of pain
Only to uncover and recover
Falling earth
Reining heaven
Soully to dig
That which is empty
There’s gold in them thar hells
The grizzled prospector decries
Even as long the weigh
Giving up whatever they halve
For a hole
Lot more
As heavens re-peer
From under
The wait of earth
To what can never be
The same place
Ever again
Making it back
In spades
To that tiffany perch
With standing
In sheer possession
In deed
Of awe that is mine