POEMS: Dealing with Knews and News

When the news gets me down and the whirled peers bewildered, I try to simplify, get back to basics, go with what I know to be most true. For won, wee the people need to fight back against the rich and powerful. Kindness is awe ways better than cruelty. Our love for one another is the decisive force on earth.

May this poem help you focus on what is most true, and hone your response to bad news.

Dealing with Knews and News

There’s knews
And then there’s news
What has
All ready
And what has not
Yet learned
Dealing with the cards dealt
And how unfold
Weather a proving
Or knot
How to set a bout
A fit start
With ante up
Or helled down
Decked buy the chaos
As if
There is know ruse
As ponder us
The riot weigh
Or free for awe
Whatever the subjects
Throne by the muddle
Answers due come
Rejoin together
As one
Thing is decisive
Wee will prevail
As stand side bye side
Firm in good knews
In spite of the news

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