I have never been a big fan of normal. “Getting back to normal” strikes me as a somewhat low bar. Every “new” normal seems eerily similar to previous uninspiring states of normal. This sense of mine is similar to the sentiment expressed in the movie, Steel Magnolias: “I would rather have thirty minutes of wonderful than a lifetime of nothing special.” May we dare to live a life full of wonder, even at great cost to a “normal” life.
Normal Eyes
Just a bunch
Of regular guise
What peers
As normal eyes
In listing
The rank
And file scores
Looking to return
To earlier daze
In a bit of a craze
That grievance of being
Owed fashion
And awe the rage
Perhaps even a furor
They were desperate
For a mythical time
At best
Not so
Sow grate
Inquest for normal
More mine than yore
A true norm ill
They looked into the sole of US
Exhibit won of sow much soiled
Run US, run US
And the alleged ascent to we’ll
Throw awe others
Under the bussed
As condemn nation tired
Full of tread
On me and you
Living under the tales of elephants for gotten
Or living in such an illusive notion
Ass stable as won could ever be
Bequeathing US
On going retro grade
Of all F’s