POEM: A Posit of Treasured

A poem to our penchant for extractive industries despoiling Mother Earth.

A Posit of Treasured

In our lust
For lustrous alchemy
And unsatiable technowizardry
We dug with such graveness
Nothing could scar us out of our mine
We combed over the balding earth
In a slavish gambit of shiny meddles
The barbarous glittering of the whirled
The imperial reign of such roamin’
Mother Earth cries
Caesarean sections
This ore
A litter
From the bowels of earth
Bought a bout
By shitty bastards
Picking and shoveling their way threw life
Criminal fuckers
Without a clue
Lost in their own
Humanity spent
On the heist consolation price possible
Mother Earth despoiled
In a posit of treasured

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