Is just
Another plan it
The best
Money can bye
This short poem is about money in politics, the ultimate manifestation of which is plutocracy. When money is king, you can say good buy to democracy. Do you feel like you are living on some different planet: planet Plutocracy? The plan it is from rich folks, the 1%.
You can call it oligarchy, kleptocracy, or corporatacracy, but, in our synonym-spiced political system, money trumps people, and corporate persons trump human persons. There is little comfort in having the best political system that money can buy. As presidential election season rolls around, the aristocracy steamrolls what’s left of democracy in a rigged system, offering only the illusion of choice. This bankrupt system, not surprisingly, produces a billionaire megalomaniac where authoritarianism is the default and all of our problems are somebody else’s fault, and a Wall Street abettor with imperial ambitions.
Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, represent the surreal diversity of aristocrats. Señor Trump will build a wall and the Mexicans will pay for it — because they love him! Commander-in-chief Hillary Clinton will put the finishing touches on the Death Star by providing its minions and minionettes paid maternity leave and affordable debt sentences. I’m sure the winner will be whichever cult can round up and sacrifice the most chickens running around with their heads cut off. As for me, I’m going to vote for the candidate favored by our great, great, great, grandchildren.