POEM: The Dog Edit My Homework

I have encountered many opportunities to attend writers workshops and such. The impulse for me to attend has never arose. My style of poetry is free — and writefully worth every penny! Thus, this poem:

The Dog Edit My Homework

They spoke
Of work shops
And fixing poems
Not quiet apprehended
Bye me
Like some wolf
Who wandered into the city
And in countering being fixed
That could halve been me
Tastefully domesticated
How ever knot today
As nought a cur
Gratefully run out of town
With a prodigious pare
Of my own
And rather unregarded as homeless
Than house broken

I have written much prose in my life, and I have edited such writings diligently, even perfectionisticly. However, when I resolved to adopt writing poetry as an intentional vocation/vacation, I did not want to layer onto my writing anything that smacked of work. This includes not spending much time trying to promote my poetry. I enjoy writing poetry and I find it therapeutic. I finish most poems in one session. This is quite a miracle given my previous writing habits. Beside, my untamed style is probably not very conducive to many typical editing processes. I am done with the prose. Any how, I prefer to hang with the cons…

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