POEM: Sacklers of Shit: Owed to Immunity from Civility

I wrote this poem when the Sackler family, the opioid drug kingpins, were granted civil immunity by a federal court:

Sacklers of Shit: Owed to Immunity from Civility

The opioid cries
Is hung over America
Not liable to see just U.S.
Bought by big pharm
Christened Purdue
Not to be mistaken for some common chicken
A novel breed much more fowl
Launching a chaser
The size of a great white wail
Richly doctored by Moby Richard Sackler
Into a veritable murder-suicide PAC
Sold as fix in for unremitting payin’
Accost beyond countability
Fractured families wading countless mournings
A whole slew
As kin
Meet their maker
The Sacklers
As family fortunes go
The highest is theirs
A pilfer everyone
Survivors cry
God father
To know a veil
That ship has sale
Departed fully rigged
A handpicked judge
Given revolving adore
And a hit job
In retiring
As gimme
In last regards
Too taxing
Or courting judgment
All sow
Never admitting
What such a family business
Is culpable of
A bag of cash
For every corpse
Fully realized
As Sacklers of shit
And having
Liability with a capital L
What remains
Kicking the L out of that mob
Sackers of shit

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