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Top Pun offers the best Liberal Christianity, Progressive Christianity Designs liberal Christianity, progressive Christianity
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Liberal Christianity, Progressive Christianity Designs Browse by Liberal Christianity, Progressive Christianity ProductsLIBERAL CHRISTIANITY, PROGRESSIVE CHRISTIANITY Bumper Stickers LIBERAL CHRISTIANITY, PROGRESSIVE CHRISTIANITY Buttons LIBERAL CHRISTIANITY, PROGRESSIVE CHRISTIANITY Caps LIBERAL CHRISTIANITY, PROGRESSIVE CHRISTIANITY Coffee Mugs LIBERAL CHRISTIANITY, PROGRESSIVE CHRISTIANITY Key Chains LIBERAL CHRISTIANITY, PROGRESSIVE CHRISTIANITY Magnets LIBERAL CHRISTIANITY, PROGRESSIVE CHRISTIANITY Posters LIBERAL CHRISTIANITY, PROGRESSIVE CHRISTIANITY Stickers LIBERAL CHRISTIANITY, PROGRESSIVE CHRISTIANITY T-shirtsRELATED religious-spiritual design CATEGORIESIf you like cool, unique, and funny religious-spiritual designs, check out designs in these religious-spiritual categories: RELIGIOUS-SPIRITUAL: religious-spiritual designs cover a wide range of topics such as positive attitude, love, anti-fundamentalist, Christian, What Would Jesus Do parodies, and much more! funny religious-spiritual: funny religious-spiritual designs glean the funniest religious-spiritual designs, sayings and slogans. religious quotes, religious sayings: religious quotes, religious sayings offer a wide assortment of insightful and inspirational religious quotes and sayings to uplift you. spiritual quotes, spiritual sayings: spiritual quotes, spiritual sayings offer inspirational and compassionate quotes to inspire joyful and free living. WWJD What Would Jesus Do: WWJD What Would Jesus Do designs parody traditionally inane WWJD slogans in favor of more prophetic WWJD messages better suited to Jesus, the Prince of peace. Jesus: Jesus designs call Christians and other fans of Jesus back to the prophetic and compassionate Jesus at odds with religious institutions and the state. Christian: Christian designs take a prophetic view of Christianity that is skeptical of institutional religion and affluent Western Christianity. Catholic: Catholic designs highlight women's equality and social justice witness among Roman Catholics. Jewish: Jewish designs help celebrate Jewish traditions of peace and justice. Buddhist: Buddhist designs highlights the enlightened wisdom taught by Buddha and Buddhism. Taoist: Taoist designs invite balance and harmony in living within the essential oneness and complementariness of all things. God: God entails diverse perspectives on the nature of God, particularly related to social justice and human progress. interfaith, multi-faith: interfaith, multi-faith lifts up the shared heart and ecumenical spirit of true religion. Anti-Fundamentalists: anti-fundamentalists hones in on Christian fundamentalists and other religious fundamentalists as dangerous to others. liberal Christianity, progressive Christianity: liberal Christianity, progressive Christianity challenges the noisy and nosey fundamentalist view of Christianity dominating American political life. Love: love is an enduring theme whether romantic-sexual love, love of justice, love of family and friends, or God's unconditional love. Positive Attitude: positive attitude designs feature positive attitude sayings-slogans and designs to maintain a positive attitude, positive perspective, and ability to experience joy in the fights for justice. courage: courage lifts up courage as a critical aspect of being human and bringing about progress in human community. Prayer: prayer designs prayerfully highlight the interface between prayer and social justice. happiness: happiness seeks to refresh the centrality of happiness as a human aspiration available without the complications and illusions of modern conventional wisdom. 12-Step, Alanon, AA-Alcoholics Anonymous: 12-Step, Alanon, AA-Alcoholics Anonymous designs are based on 12-step slogans and sayings, often with a twist. Christmas holiday: Christmas holiday designs offers parodies on the commercialization of Christmas and fresh takes on the true meaning of celebrating Christmas. Kwanzaa: Kwanzaa designs celebrate Kwanzaa principles, featuring African American flag color peace signs. RELATED religious-spiritual design CATEGORIES by Graphic ElementCheck out these cool, unique, and funny religious-spiritual designs, sorted by these popular religious-spiritual graphic elements: Smiley Face: smiley face designs stretch the smiley face to new heights of smiling! African American Flag Colors: African American flag colors are used to accent African American pride and heritage. American Flag: American flag graphics highlight issues of patriotism and nationalism with peace and justice. Uncle Sam: Uncle Sam wants you to evolve beyond crude patriotism, nationalism, and imperialism! Plant Earth Graphics: planet earth graphics speak to world citizenship, environmental stewardship, and making every day Earth Day! Anti-Nuclear: anti-nuclear graphics warn against nuclear war and nuclear power. Anarchist Symbol: anarchist symbols cry out for alternatives to nationalism, domestication, and hierarchy. Police: police graphics satirize police brutality and the penchant for violent solutions in law enforcement. Anti-Gun: gun graphics are used to graphically display the reality of gun violence. Stop Sign: stop signs are universally recognized signs best used to stop injustice. signs, street signs: signs, street signs graphics are truly the signs of the times, pointing to better living. Heart Graphics: heart graphics signify love to humans world-wide. Hippie Flowers: hippie flowers remind us of flower power and the hippie way. Hypnotic Graphics: hypnotic graphics help hypnotize us to a spellbinding message. television, TV: television, TV graphics mock our inane addictions to TV and avoidance of actual reality. Fire Graphics: fire graphics graphically display the inferno of injustice and violence. Rosie The Riveter: Rosie The Riveter puts the World War II feminist icon to work in promoting social justice. LIBERAL CHRISTIANITY, PROGRESSIVE CHRISTIANITY DesignsBuy your favorite Liberal Christianity, Progressive Christianity Designs today! Cool Designs > Religious-Spiritual > Liberal Christianity, Progressive Christianity Top Pun is your best source for serious, funny, and seriously funny Liberal Christianity, Progressive Christianity Designs. |
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